Lesson series

Why Pollinators Matter: An Individual's Guide to Helping Pollinators Thrive

A third of the food we eat exists because of pollinators. Without them, our food systems and ecosystems would collapse. Yet, pollinator populations are suffering serious declines worldwide due to threats such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. There are many small changes that we can make as individuals to help ensure that pollinator populations are able to rebound. Through PowerPoint guided lectures, readings, media, and self-guided activities, this course will delve deeper into what you can do to help the pollinators in your community survive and thrive. 
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Why this course?

  • 5 Modules
  • Asynchronous Learning (approx. 5-8 hours)
  • Instructor-led Videos
  • Activities
  • Additional Resources

Develop a Strong Foundation

Learn all of the basics about pollinators including how pollination works, information on main pollinators, the importance of pollinators, and what threatens pollinators. Then delve into what you can do to help.

Make a Difference

We will provide you with the tools to make a genuine impact, guiding you step by step through ways that you can implement pollinator friendly practises in your day-to-day life (including specific examples and activities).

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Meet the instructor

Jennie Moe

Jennie has been working as the Marketing and Virtual Learning Centre Manager at Wintergreen Studios. With a master’s degree in environmental studies and a love for wildlife, Jennie created this course to teach people about just how important pollinators are for our food systems and ecosystems, and how individuals can make a large difference in the fight to keep our pollinator populations healthy and thriving.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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